Coffee Cup Collection 365 days

An inane documentation of and by J. Balser Inc.

Well…I’ve had crazier ideas. Starting March 1st, 2021, I began designing a coffee cup a day. Why? To create a sculptural account of my daily life and thoughts and ideas and hopes and the changing world around me that effects my daily life and thoughts and ideas and hopes. The goal of 365 Days/365 Coffee Cups is not to sell coffee cups, but broadening people’s opinion on what a coffee cup can be, what sculpture looks like, and what art can do. 

I quest for new mediums. If art is bound to public parks and building atriums, the gallery and museum, “art” websites and articles, or even the local fair, then most people’s lives will lack the positive influence of fine art. This also holds true if the price of art is an economic barrier. Although purchasing art isn’t contingent on participation with its content, economic exclusion does create a psycological impediment for furthering involvement with industry and artists. The coffee cup is approachable, provides access to an audience often at a juncture when people do have time, and can be aquired affordably and displayed easily. 

So, here we go…

Presenting CUP #1. It’s got my 2021 motto for the year. It’s fitting, I thought, to name the annual collection for the year’s rallying cry.

Well, that’s it for today. Will post CUP #2 tomorrow. Have no idea where this is going to go. It’s a strange kind of wonderful. –j. balser inc.


The Nature of Nature is a mini fable. It’s the perfect paradigm of a relationship. Time will not allow for permanency. There is no better insect to tell this tale.


March 3, 2021 Worldometer’s daily death toll in the United States.


On March 4th, 2021 “Q” promised followers that Trump would ascend to the presidency of the United States once more. Yes, regardless of election results, citizen casted ballots, somehow their anointed leader Donald T was going to defy all reality. I waited. “Q” was a no-show. What an incredible myth social media helped to create. I’m glad this cup exists. I’m glad I was able to document visually the exact point in time in the year of 2021 that QAnon ran its proverbial mystic quatrain course.


Found Flower is a commemoration in the fleeting, as much of my line work is. It’s that instant when the distractions of being human are usurped by the world’s infinate beauty.


Featuring the continuous line drawing. These two people are entwined as much as the line is. They, as the saying goes, complete one another. Hugs just rock too.


Is the rabbit hole…or at least the one in my world of boxes. How in this day and age of the internet it only takes a day to see what other rabbit is going to emerge to change the trajectory of a story, reality, person’s life. Like no other time in history the information age has turned history and it’s meaning in 360 degrees of itself in less than 24 hours.

This cup is the reason something as inane as a daily documentation with coffee cups isn’t so silly, really. It is a sculpture of its time, in its time, by way of the times.


“Hey…You’re A Circle” was inspired by drawing lots of boxes…then drawing a circle. Now here is websites blurb which I think is super convincing that this cup is worthy of your coffee. If not, never fear, I have 350 plus more cups to create. “So…whether you’re drinking your morning coffee, evening tea, or something in between – this mug’s for you! It’s sturdy and glossy with a vivid print that’ll withstand the microwave and dishwasher.”


Two people walking. Whether you’re drinking your morning coffee, evening tea, or something in between – this mug’s for you! It’s sturdy and glossy with a vivid print that’ll withstand the microwave and dishwasher.


Dr Seuss Star Belly Sneechs get a windfall of cash from the Federal Reserve and the Cares Act. 

And thank you Senator…for reading another beloved Seuss book…One Fish… Two Fish… 

Politicians have appropriated Dr Suess for it’s beloved brand in hopes to mobilize middle America against imaginary culture-stealing villains by creating terror and panic through perceived loss.   

Dr. Suess Enterprises is a company trying to protect a creative legacy. The six retired books in question aren’t a blight on the author as much as they are of the time.  Since when do Republicans believe that they have the right to tell companies what they can sell and what they can’t? They don’t. And yet, Republicans are acting like the government or Democrat are burning Dr. Suess books in the town square. They are not. The decision was made by a corporation based on market demand and sales which is capitalism as American and iconic as Suess itself. Learn to separate parasites from patronage.  


All days can always have more trees. My goodness today is gorgeous in the ATL. Counting my sunny blessing and keeping the mind fit with yoga.


Late last night (3/12/2021) the Cares Act was signed into law. Thanks to PBS kids, most of us know the process it takes to be a law. And now, we are going to get some passed. I’m grateful to all those who have worked for all these years to keep our democracy a democracy. Today, it’s more apparent than ever, there is no auto pilot in a democracy. Citizens, if they want to retain the rule of law, have to participate. 


March 13th, 2021 is a beautiful day. Out walking and observing. Struck by how many different types of people and relationships between people there are. Hey…it takes all types. 


Some days I wake up and I think…”I am a female and I’m f’n happy and proud to be. On those days, I wish I had a coffee cup that could reflect that exuberant feeling. Well, guess what, now I do. CUP#14 is Female and Fabulous.


March 15, 2021. I drew from my imagination figures, circles, boxes, and a some ladders. In my thoughts the people were joined in creation making. For me it’s a joy to see harmonious working. As if my unconsciousness wants to remind myself and others of the simple gratifications that come from collaboration. 


Day 16 of my 365 days of coffee cup designing and I found myself thinking seriously about what I wanted from a coffee cup design. Came to escapism which then lead me to marketing to young girls in the late 70″s and 80-“s. Long story which I’m happy to expound upon with the next couple of cups. 

<Left Side of Cup >Right side of Cup

CUP #17

More girlie-twilie, gumdrop, rainbow, purring kitty, nail polish, sparkles, sunset-lollipop, friend-enveloped, happy full-bellied, adventure-ready, epic-journey, marshmallow coco-sipping, plentiful, joyful, thoughtful constantly-full CUP#17. 

CUP#18 Coffee Cup Collection

Always a sequel to the bumbling adventures of autocrats without consciousness’. If it’s not election tampering, it’s something else equally as awful, sucking up decent peoples’ time and energy with their greed and egos. 

CUP #19 Coffee Cup Collection

March 19th, 2021 like any day of any year is a perfectly good day to share the human escape of magical animals with secret feeding spots where they gather and multiply. My elementary school days were filled with rainbows, clouds, and unicorns surrounded by sparkling foil, glitter, and/or iridescent metallic swirls. Usually these beacons if hope wrapped around pencil slowly getting devoured by my class room’s wall mounted pencil sharpener. Never did I fear because there were allowances and super-stores across the country chucked full of Lisa Frank imagination fuel.

CUP#20 Coffee Cup Collection

Stop Asian Hate.


Eddie Owens Martin was a trailblazer. He as a Georgian, an artist, and a creative soul who lived his life passionately building Pasaquan. Check it out. 

CUP #22

Boulder, Colorado shooting.

CUP #23

Almost twenty-five years ago, i drew a self portrait. You guessed it; i had a box on my head. It was a metaphor for being oblivious. From that point on, boxes have always been a psychological construct in my work. They represent anything and everything that impedes our ability to see, be, and interact in good faith with all, to all, and for all.

CUP#24 in j balser inc.’s 365 days 365 coffee cups. Get your hit of oxytocin by swiping right with this tale of two; Circle and Square. I’ve provided the middle, but to end the narrative, you need a beginning. the longer your consciousness hunts for the narrative, the further it transcends its sense of self into the other world relying on empathy to assume another’s life experience. When the brain flexes this neurological muscle, it triggers the oxytocin or “love” pellet. It’s an evolutionary perk, to keep us social, in a group, wanting to cohabitate. Check out Diana Kelly’s article “Why do or brains demand Narrative?” on Headspace in 2017.

CUP#25 Mrs. Peacock…in the Conservatory…er…with the….

CUP#26 i texted a friend the doppler radar last night because a tornado was headed for Newnan, GA where she lives. She was half asleep… here is a bit of our text string today hope your loved ones are safe! J . Balser inc

CUP #27

If you think Jim Crow was a man…it’s understandable. You are probably white. Jim Crow was a character played by Thomas Dartmouth Rice, a minstrel who made a fortune in blackface as the beloved buffoon, Jim Crow, a character—black, poorly dressed, poorly educated, poorly spoken—and yet, amiable with his carefree idiocy, all designed to make the masses of theater goers laugh. Yes, whites—they were they only ones admitted to performances. Well, this cultural belittling was not only playing in the local halls but was also riddled into our laws. It’s simply history. I used to believe because i didn’t have or promote racist views, i was not contributing to racism. Today, i realize, i was. If you don’t stand up; tell others a policy is unfair; call your Senator; call congressman; take your business away from those who do persecute; you are an enabler. Politics is about policy and these recent anti-voting rights legislation has one directive…to cull the oppositions ability to vote into office their candidates.

CUP #28

“Silence Is Always Heard” —j. Balser Inc. #crickets#silent#compliance#enabler#365days #365 #posts#coffee#cup #collection#art#daily#dailyart#dailyquotesSpeak up. Your voice matters.

CUP #29

Got my first shot today. Incredibly effiecent. I’m borrowing this clever bandaid idea from my friend, Gretchen Garven Hicks who designed the kickass NYC vaccine posters earlier this year. I’ve included the poster because i think it RoCKS and my gurl should clean up at the national advertising shows this year.

CUP#30 whoooa!!! Got this one done right at midnight

CUP#31 aliens are here!!! Debate is no longer if they exist; now, it’s how long will we remain in denial.


Some loves are pure. The love a mother feels for her children is inexpressible. That same unbridled love swells whenever i look at this line drawing of my youngest. Today is his seventeenth birthday. Truly blessed and so grateful.


Nosara beach, Costa Rica

Cup #34

Nosara beach, Costa Rica

Cup #35

Inspired by the Costa Rican beach sunset. How the earth wraps and the planets sit, we too are wrapped up in the universal orbs of never-ending balance of laws.

Cup #36

I’m convinced that the costal towns of Costa Rica are doggie heaven. Everywhere are happy, well-fed, relaxed, chill, sweet, sunbathing dogs. None on leashes, all playing, trotting, splashing along the shores; meeting up and eventually roaming home…where ever that might be.


I’m convinced that the costal towns of Costa Rica are doggie heaven. Everywhere are happy, well-fed, relaxed, chill, sweet, sunbathing dogs. None on leashes, all playing, trotting, splashing along the shores; meeting up and eventually roaming home…where ever that might be.


The ocean running into pools of rocks captured my attention.


Featuring the pink string that saved the day 2 hours into the Costa Rica jungle. This little string and some ingeniuty kept our sports vehicle’s muffler from dragging along the road. Not helpless little creatures or silly little girls but two fierce women who put their heads together and saved themselves.


Jiminy Christmas…I think I found my balls.


The ocean never fails to remind me of it’s awesome powers. However, it’s not the ocean that provides a home to billons or wields devastation, it is water. It’s the unforgiving volume, the turbulent nature in which it carries energy, and the speed it can flow. The dirt roads that weave through along the Costa Rican coast read “tsunami” and a white arrow to direct traffic up the face of the hill.


The wild Wild West: DNA.


Took a covid test to get back into the U.S. The test got me thinking and I checked the US Covid deaths to date. Covid is now the third leading cause of death in the country.


A female short story.