Ritas Sister:
A singular woman in a swirling environment, gathering her courage to assert, defy, and survive.
Female Atlanta Artist J. Balser Inc. Rita’s Sister, 7”x9” (framed 17 ½”x21 1/2’”), oil pastel on paper, 2001.
New Family Gathering:
Covid-19 stretched the human definition of together. A new acceptance of how people can create and nurture relationships.
Female Atlanta Artist J. Balser Inc., New Family Gatherings, 11”x14”(Framed 23”x27”), oil pen and paper, 2020.
Life’s adventures seen through the eyes of a whimsy narrator.
Female Atlanta Artist J. Balser Inc., Ginger Girl, 19”x14” (framed 27”x23”), 4 color silk screen on paper, 2019.
I use the visual image of busy ants to remind myself of man’s place in the Universe. Head down, one behind the other, building our hill, hill after hill. How monumentally insignificant our little hills are.
Female Atlanta Artist J. Balser Inc., La Luna, 6.5”x 8” (framed 20”x21”), oil pastels on paper, 2002.
Balancing, keeping track, days bleed into days defined by the alarm clock. The dry cleaning, this box and that box or was it the other. on’t What started one path, forks. Obscured by boxes, that little dream teeters at the top.
Female Atlanta Artist J. Balser Inc. Opening of a Box, oil on canvas, 30”x 2”x16”, 2002.
When the boxes are held off by the designs of the gardens.
Female Atlanta Artist J. Balser Inc. The Garden, 26×19 (framed 36×29), oils on paper, 2001.
The comedy that surrounds a once simple process as bringing in the groceries. Now, I do seem to recall linoleum rides in my old kitchen attached unmercifully to my mother as she moved between pantry and refrigerator.
Female Atlanta Artist J. Balser Inc. Full Frontal Attack, 26”x19”(framed 36”x29”), oil pastels on paper, 2003.