At Work (entire series)

J. Balser Inc. At Work, beach of Utoy Creek 3, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.

There is an indiscernible undertone, a quiet hum beneath the birds and sunlight and fresh air that draws humans to Cascade Springs Nature Preserve.

It was the same whisper heard along the shores of Camp Creek. However, I was too mad at seeing the litter, man’s mistreatment of “nature” to listen.

As my inner-dialogue diatribes ebbed into lapping waves of disappointent, the space between revealed a more beautiful reality.

J. Balser Inc. At Work, Utoy Creek bed springs 1, digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.
J. Balser Inc. At Work, Utoy Creek bed springs 2, digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.
J. Balser Inc. At Work, Utoy Creek bed springs 3, digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.
J. Balser Inc. At Work, Utoy Creek Archaeological Strata, digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.
J. Balser Inc. At Work, Utoy Creek Archaeological Strata 1, digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.
J. Balser Inc. At Work, Utoy Creek Archaeological Strata 2, digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.
J. Balser Inc. At Work, Utoy Creek Archaeological Strata 3, digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.

Space and time became animated. The abounding trash unified. As the foreign objects beamed, the living disappeared leaving the suspended forms in a black abyss like meteor rocks caught in gravity, a band of thugs.

Energy forbearingly hums while working. It is a confident, unconcerned purr of ecology, botany, microbiology, entomology, physiology, and genetics powered by unfazed forces in chemistry and physics. Regardless of man’s newfound impact on earth’s equilibrium, energy is oblivious and will continue to affect matter, no matter.

A system so immense, it’s indifferent to the existence of life. A perpetual piston yet to be defied and redefined by man.

How petty. How human. Cascade Springs Nature Preserve isn’t a park; City of Atlanta not the land’s guardian; Man’s governance, inconsequential.

Forces of the Universe don’t abide by ownership. Liability, accountability is cause and effect. It is only life that is dependent on the stability of enviroment. This defiling of “nature” by the living is self-mutilation, no more. So why the sense that man is breaking, ruining, destroying nature?Why does man feel powerful and dominate to do so when it’s man’s existence that is fragile and in peril?

J. Balser Inc. Not Park tree trunk, digital photo digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.
J. Balser Inc. Not Park tree trunk with Not Art 2, digital photo digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.

Cascade Nature Preserve reveal’s a fissure in human intellect. Our society perpetuates a medieval or Renaissance perspective unwilling or incapable of sublimating an outdated world order for Twenty-First Century comprehension of the physical and life sciences. The cognitive functioning between knowledge and wisdom, not enlightenment but comprehensive, congruent incorporation. The ability to profoundly alter beliefs and behavior to reflect factual evidence.

Point in case, there is almost no distinction between living and non-living in our coloquial language. The sun is nature, the birds are nature, the wind is nature. It’s more than humans being separatist among the mammals, cognitively our species hasn’t discerned that energy is far more the definition of god than anything living in this paradigm. We are still viewing ourselves as knights that can save the kingdom than Horton Hears a Who.

Why does this matter?

As COVID-19 taught us, man will tuck-tail and hide when going to die. Total transformation of behavior across the world and in a couple of days. Now why can’t the green movement get that kind of traction? Logically, it should. A minimally educated person cognitively knows, can use logic. The ideology of environmental protection should be a priority. It’s not entirely laws and governance because COVID fears still keep most house bound, and in months as the feeling of polio or pox heighten, people will seek shelter of their own regardless of businesses being open or closed.

When people are about to die, they change their behavior.

Man holds gun to head. You give him your purse. So? Because belief determines behavior and our brains can’t integrate, even after a hundred and fifty years that the most precious, the most vital, the paramount concern for every individual is the collective affect of our existence. Why?

Environmental Protection



J. Balser Inc. Not Park digital photo digital photo, illustrative enhancement of existing litter in original photo.

Environmental Protection is having a stand off with Emancipation (capital because it should be). The dominate shared belief since 1300 (maybe earlier) is that even the poorest of men shouldn’t be bound. From the serfs breaking their ties to land and ownership, Western society has been unshackle themselves from binding circumstances. There are literally too many examples, hence I claim it’s actually the defining social phenomena. In fact, today, some believe that’s American—I do not F.Y.I. 1500 years of emancipating the individual from tribal living and the reality is that the individual has been growing ever more dependent with one another, not the inverse. Life can’t exist in the matrix of energy and matter without interdependency, it’s the trick to life, it’s the essence of life. So, why the delusion? Why are we not able to recalibrate reality?